Hello, I’m Jamie.

This space came from a desire to extend a heart of hospitality and transparency within and beyond my own living room. To share stories and life. I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a new mom to my 2-year-old son, and a creator who is passionate about many things. In taking an intentional and in-depth look at the health of my inner being, my heart has been awakened and opened to a new joy. In this openness, I found more clarity and understanding and started dreaming about how I could creatively share more of my life outside the walls of my home. HOPE IN THE OPEN is a creative space where I can express both the deep ways in which Jesus is renewing me, and the constant, fun, daily adventures of life on our Mini Farm.

One of the first things you will see when you walk into our partially renovated, little white farmhouse is a framed statement: “Whoever you are, wherever you have been, you are welcome here.” I want my home, and my voice in the world, to be a place of openness, courage, connection and restoration.

What if we approached everything—and everyone—in life with a sense of openness and transparency that defies the status quo of cultural norms and casual gossip? What if we actually looked in the eyes of people and in the face of situations, and focused not on their shadow sides, but on the ways in which they reflect the image of God? What if we allowed people—family, peers in life, wondering children, people with noticeable differences—to be in process?

This heart of openness and hospitality will be expressed a number of different ways through HOPE IN THE OPEN; primarily through written word on the blog, but I simply can’t limit myself to just that. My creative passions are awakened when I’m intentionally writing thoughts or music, traveling, digging in the garden, laughing at the statements of my 2-year-old, crafting beautiful spaces for people to enjoy and stumbling upon the best combinations of herbs and oils for body and table. In each of these areas, I search deeply for what is honest and real, what is life-giving and what awakens joy.

And so, as a new mom who is still a dreamer, I wanted to make space for the words and the moments and the people that make each day truly meaningful. I am learning now more than ever how important it is to strive for transparency and to give grace to others to do the same. How else are we supposed to make it in this world?

There is hope in openness, in vulnerability, in sharing the parts of life to mourn and the parts of life to be celebrated. I would love to link arms with you and do just that.


Jamie L. Robison